
Information for parents

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Poppies and Poppyfields

Newsletter September 21

Dear Parents/Carers of Poppies,

Proposals for Autumn Term 2021

We hope you are all keeping safe and have enjoyed the holiday. We are looking forward to the new academic year, with lots of lovely activities planned! As we said in July, we have drawn many positives from changes in our procedures which have benefitted the children enormously, and we will be retaining those most beneficial as we continue into the new academic year.

This term, children will continue to be divided into Bumble Bees and Ladybirds for the first and last hour of each day, with groups mixing between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. By keeping in their groups for these two hours, children develop strong relationships and when the groups combine between 10-2 p.m., they will widen their social interactions with other children and staff. On arrival, children will continue to leave their family at the gate, following temperature check and sanitising hands as this has worked well the past year. The virus is unfortunately still out there and we are moving forwards and living with it in the safest way.

We will stagger our new starters joining our group, as we usually do, as this promotes settling in procedures and enables key workers opportunity to bond well with their new children. Last academic year Covid restrictions prevented parents/carers coming into the nursery grounds and we were very pleased to see how quickly our new children came in and settled with their key person. This academic year, for new starters, we are offering the option of one family member coming into the nursery garden on their first day, for ten minutes, if they wish. (Please wear a mask if you choose to do this.) Families may feel their child may settle more quickly if they start nursery with the same routine i.e. a kiss and cuddle at the gate then in to see their waiting key worker and playmates. Please be assured we will send a dojo photo to each child’s family, showing what activity they are enjoying. If children have any wobbles, staff will contact their family, but usually, they are kept busy exploring and staff are very skilled at distracting any potential wobbles with activities you have told us your child enjoys!

Ladybirds entrance will now consistently be the main building gate, (please queue by our building on the field towards The Spinney, to reduce congestion with the school classes)Bumblebees will be ‘The Spinney’ garden gate. For arrivals and departures between the hours of 9 and 3, we will continue to meet families at the main school gates by St Marys reception. No one is permitted onto the school site during the day as school children use the playground. Please note *The St Mary’s climbing equipment is out of bounds. Please DO NOT let children climb on it.

For Reception children, we will take them to and from school. They will join the nursery children who are accessing before and after 9-3 p.m. Please continue to use the main door /bell at arrival and departure times.

Just a reminder, children must not attend nursery/out of school club if they display any symptoms related to COVID-19. Children may not attend if a member of their household tests positive or is awaiting results. By working together, we can keep our environment as safe as possible. for-people-with-confirmed-or-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection

Indoor/outdoor Environment

All children will be continuing to use the garden as much as possible as fresh air is the optimum environment. Please ensure they are suitably dressed for the weather. Every nursery child must bring wellingtons and warm clothing. Several layers are a good idea as even when inside, the rooms will be well ventilated with open doors and windows. Our usual early years curriculum will be offered during the day, and out of school activities are also planned.

Home/nursery partnership.

Children may bring their book bag only. Library books will be shared with families. They may leave a rucksack in nursery with spare clothes/nappies/wipes and staff will Dojo when it needs restocking. This bag will remain in nursery. For children having a nap, please bring a small blanket which will stay in nursery.

Families will receive weekly updates on activities children are enjoying in nursery & after school via the Dojo story. Please share your child’s home achievements or any questions via email or Dojo. We will share our planning and ideas for home, via Parent-mail, regularly for families to support their child’s learning. This covers Nursery and Out of School Planning.

For the first two weeks, activities will be focussing on settling children into the routine, using discussions and activities based on their likes/ interests and holiday experiences.

We will continue to provide snacks at breakfast, mid-morning/afternoon, and after-school. Children will need to bring a packed lunch. Please ensure your child’s lunch-box is clearly marked with their NAME ON THE OUTSIDE. Children will sanitise their hands prior to every refreshment/meal. Reminder* No nuts, Popcorn or eggs in lunch boxes. Also, please cut grapes and tomatoes in half as they pose a choking hazard.

Our Administration/Accounts Team will be available Monday-Thursday between 9a.m-4p.m. Any emails sent outside these times will be addressed on the next working day.

Well-being and support

Our staff team are very dedicated professionals and our priority is to support your child’s emotional needs during these uncertain times. We will offer children cuddles whenever necessary! Our focus remains the safety and well-being of you all. We provide activities to support children and any concerns your child may express will be shared with you. Similarly, families may also have concerns as these continue to be unpredictable times. Please let us know as we are here for you too!


Staff will continue to wear PPE at the gates. We are not required to wear PPE unless we are changing nappies/ helping with toilet or first aid, but staff are given the option of wearing them if they wish. If we are caring for someone with COVID 19 symptoms, we will wear an additional face shield/gloves and apron and provide care away from the rest of the children/staff.

With regards to school grounds, the wearing of face masks is optional. We would respectfully request that while queuing, parents keep two meter distance from others and we do recommend the wearing of face masks when its busy/crowded.

Personal and Environmental Health/Cleaning Programmes

Staff frequently clean areas and surfaces throughout the day, with bins regularly emptied. We all carry antibacterial gel in a waist pack and use this frequently. Children are supervised to wash hands thoroughly and frequently. The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ strategy is promoted. PLEASE INFORM US IF YOUR CHILD IS ALLERGIC TO ANTIBACTERIAL HAND SANITISER. On arrival at our setting, every child and adult have their temperature taken prior to entering, using a distance thermometer. Temperatures are re-taken at lunchtime and after school.

EYFS changes

From September 1st, the EYFS has altered. We have adapted our current practice to accommodate these changes and will update you shortly.

Funding Forms (15 and 30 hour) for eligible 2 and 3 year olds

These will be at nursery from Tuesday 7th September for your completion. Please ensure you have your NIS number and eligibility letter (Two year olds) and access code (30 hour funding) with you.

In summary…

We will continue to work with you to provide as safe an environment as we can and your understanding and support is appreciated. In this respect, please ensure we have your current numbers for phone and email. We also would ask that every family join our Dojo platform as this is the quickest way we can share communications with you. If you are unsure how to access Dojo, please email the accounts team.

Kindest regards, keep safe,

Joanne Rowland


Poppies and Poppyfields

Newsletter October 21

Poppies Monthly News October 2021

Term Dates

Term Ends Friday 22nd October Restarts Tuesday 2nd November

Holiday Club is running 25th-28th October at Poppies Wild Wood site. Families who have already sent their forms will shortly be invoiced. We do have limited places available if any family still needs care, please email Accounts.

This months Value: Friendship (to support friendships and help new children settle.)

Family Forum

We would like to offer families opportunity to join an informal Family Forum. The idea of this initiative is to provide families with an insight into Poppies life, provide new parents with ‘support’ from a current parent, share ideas with staff and families and build relationships between families and staff. If you are interested in this initiative please email the accounts team.

Tea Towels and Christmas Cards.

Every nursery child, including Reception, has drawn a self- portrait picture of themselves for our tea towel. These make wonderful Christmas presents! Please complete the order slip below, seal in an envelope and return to nursery or email your order, confirming how you would like to pay, by Friday 15thOctober.

Children have also painted a beautiful family of snow people to be made into their own Christmas card to raise funds for our group. Please look out for your order form in your book bag and return by Friday 15th Oct.

Achievement Certificates

To boost children’s self-esteem which is vital for learning we will be awarding certificates. These will be given to celebrate achievements and also if children are seen to be adopting the’ value’ of the month. The achievement may relate to their learning, a skill they have mastered or an act of kindness etc. Children are very proud when they achieve such an award! This boosts well-being, confidence and self-esteem which promotes further learning and development.

October’s Policy Overview: Children’s Activities and Experiences, ‘Key Person’ & Transition Policies.

(We will be providing regular Policy Overviews for your information.)

‘Key Person’s’ carry out numerous observations which they use to plan and extend children’s learning and development. We incorporate what children enjoy, their family values and ideas, and their current achievements. Planning includes every area of the EYFS. We believe children learn through play incorporating nature and the outdoor environment, with hands-on experience to gain skills and knowledge. Children’s activities are recorded with next steps planned to consolidate and build on their individual achievements. Your Key Person is always available to share information conducive to the well-being and development of your child. This may be through Dojo, or a longer pre-arranged appointment where we may share their records & Learning Journey with you.

When your child moves on to a new setting, we share developmental information which ensures a smooth transition when your child moves on. Where our children are ‘shared’, we work closely with their second setting to ensure continuity of care and well-being.

Kind regards, keep safe,

Joanne and The Team

Tea Towel Order Form (£4.00 per tea towel)

Childs Name……………………………….. Number of Tea towels………… Total sent £…………….

Poppies Monthly News November2021

Term Dates
Term Starts Tuesday 2nd November- Term Ends Friday 17th December

This months Value: Helpfulness (to support children’s understanding of helping their friends, helping the adults in their lives and helping to tidy up!!!!)

Ofsted ‘Outstanding’!!!!

We are delighted to share this very special news with you all. Poppyfields was recently inspected (October 2021) and we are very proud to say we achieved ‘outstanding’ in every area! A copy of our report is attached. May I take this opportunity to praise every member of the team for their organisation, skill, empathy and knowledge which made this possible. Our staff team share responsibility of both Poppies and Poppyfields and strive to ensure every child, family and fellow team mates receive their support and commitment. Ofsted is not just about ‘the day’, but is a result of constant dedication from everyone involved in our group, from Administration, to the Senior Management Team, to the practitioners, to the children and to all families who attend. Without your ever-present support, understanding and relationships with us, we would not achieve, so THANKYOU!!!!

Family Forum

We suggested a Family Forum in our last newsletter. We would like to reiterate our offer families to establish sufficient numbers. The idea of this initiative is to provide families with an insight into Poppies life, provide new parents with ‘support’ from a current parent, share ideas with staff and families and build relationships between families and staff. If you are interested in this initiative please email the accounts team.

Settling-in consultations

We will be holding settling-in consultations during the second week of the new term. This will be an opportunity to meet and chat to your key person, share thoughts and plan next steps. A form will go up next week for you to select a ten minute slot. These chats are purely optional. If you prefer, please use Dojo or Parentmail to share your thoughts. We will be holding these chats in the open air to reduce potential transmission of Covid so please dress accordingly!

Tea Towels.

Every nursery child, including Reception, has drawn a self- portrait picture of themselves for our tea towel. These make wonderful Christmas presents! Last shout for tea towel orders!!!! Please complete the order slip below, seal in an envelope and return to nursery or email your order, by Friday 29th October

Novembers Policy Overview: ‘Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy’

Socially acceptable behaviour is encouraged, praised and supported. Unacceptable behaviour will be explained to the child at an age appropriate level, with a more suitable alternative offered. We maintain the ‘action’ to be unacceptable, not the child, which ensures the child’s self-esteem is not diminished. We believe in positive management and encourage all children to behave responsibly, consider their actions and the effect they may have on others. This is all supported at age-appropriate levels..

Families will be consulted and share behavioural strategies should the need arise. Children will share in forming ‘golden rules’ and staff will fully support maintaining them. A complete copy of the policy is available on request. Families views are welcomed.

Our ‘Values’ programme also promotes acceptable behaviour and develops children’s awareness of positive and invaluable attitudes and life skills. This enhances the environment by creating a safe, secure and fair place in which children will be fully supported to develop confidence, self-esteem and social skills which ultimately supports their learning.

Kind regards, keep safe,

Joanne and The Team

Poppies Monthly News February 2022

Term Dates

Term Starts Monday 21st February- Term Ends Friday 1st April

This months Value: Compassion ( for children to gain understanding of being caring towards themselves, others and the natural world.)

Family Forum

We suggested a Family Forum in our last two newsletters. We would like to reiterate this offer to families to establish sufficient numbers. The idea of this initiative is to provide families with an insight into Poppies life, provide new parents with ‘support’ from a current parent, share ideas with staff and families and build relationships between families and staff. If you are interested in this initiative please email the accounts team.

Requests please!

If any family has any unwanted items detailed below they will be much appreciated:

Soft Toy animals for our ‘Camping Area’, old saucepans/ frying pans for a new ‘Music Wall’, unwanted wooden dishes/bowls or plates for our new ‘Loose Parts’ Area, old garden furniture for new snug areas outside. Any contributions will be much appreciated.

Parents Guide to the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’

The Tickell Review prioritised the characteristics of learning. The emphasis is on HOW children learn, not what they learn. There are 3 commitments which, when meshed together, shape learning;

1. Play and Exploration (Engagement); finding out & exploring, playing with what they know & having a go/ seeking challenges

2. Active Learning (Motivation); involvement, concentration, perseverance & enjoying achievements.

3. Creativity & Critical Thinking; have own ideas, make links, choose ways to do things.

To become effective learners, children need our joint support & encouragement to choose activities/ explore/ to plan/ share attention/ reflect/ discuss problem-solving strategies which help them;

- Develop confidence, communication & learn new skills

- Have and develop their own ideas.

- Make links between ideas and use what they already know to learn new things.

- Develop strategies for doing things, choose ways to do things and find new ways.

In order for children to develop these skills, they need security, confidence, communication & understanding skills, coupled with gross & fine motor co-ordination which are promoted in the PRIME AREAS of development. Using these foundations, children then develop an ‘internal toolkit’ for thinking and learning which includes becoming motivated, confident, boosted self-esteem, emotional well-being, positivity and creativity. Children then develop further knowledge such as literacy, mathematics and understanding the world as they use their ‘toolkit’ to achieve this. You as parents/carers and our staff/ keyperson provide the security and help them develop these foundations for learning , their ‘toolkit’ for development.

The Early Years Foundation Stage recommends “When children have opportunity to play with ideas in different situations with various resources they discover connections and develop a better understanding of doing things. Adult support in this process enhances their ability to think critically and ask questions.”

Learning is a ‘journey’ which children navigate from one place to another, with no short cuts. The speed they ‘travel’ may alter throughout their learning. If we compare a mad dash up the motorway or a slower meander along a country lane, we could ask ourselves which we would remember and enjoy more? By listening to children, praising their endeavours, showing interest & sharing sustained shared thinking we will support this.

We are here to help you & your child create those special memories to make that journey fun and full of experiences; the value is the journey with the final destination the ‘icing on the cake’! Children will store up these memories to be repeated, consolidated and support further learning throughout their lives.


When considering the characteristics of effective learning, there is great importance for children to be offered opportunities to practice to become independent to gain a skill.


Children can become active helpers in their daily routines, e.g. tidy up, hygiene habits, to which we add ‘why it is important e.g. to wash hands’ in language appropriate to each child’s development.

Children are capable of making choices in a safe environment.

Children need;

  • Encouragement to try.
  • Enough time.
  • Repetition to practice.
  • Praise for all efforts.
  • Offer them assistance/ support where appropriate.
  • To be given responsibility for their actions.

If the ‘end result’ isn’t perfect, it doesn’t matter! It’s the process and skills learned along the way that help build a child’s ability.

We are always aware there are some activities not suitable for a child to take responsibility for! Health & Safety must be maintained!

Topic for this Term

We are exploring stories this term! This will run alongside our child initiated planning which is fuelled by children’s current interests and needs. Each week, a popular story will be introduced and associated activities offered to children.

This also incorporates World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. Children are most welcome to dress in their favourite book character on thisday! We will also be doing a ‘Lets read’! Please can you share a story each day of Book Week and at the end of the week, let your keyworker know. We will then celebrate this with a certificate.

Week 1 Hungry caterpillar story/ Handra’s Surprise & associated activities

Ideas for home: Share the stories. Look at the life cycle of a butterfly. Explore different fruits/ look at their texture/taste/weigh them/ paint a picture of them.

Week 2 Gruffalo story & associated activities. Story Sacks and puppet shows.

Ideas for home: Go for a walk in the woods/ recap the story while you are walking!

Week 3 Gingerbread man story/Mr Men/Little Miss stories & associated activities.

Ideas for home: Share the stories. Decorate Gingerbread people. Talk about Mr Men and Little Miss and their qualities e.g. Mr Messy, Miss Sunshine. Talk about which character they like/ which they may be.

Week 4 Rainbow fish story & associated activities.

Ideas for home: Talk about the story. Discuss the importance of sharing. Play sharing games such as toy tea party or sending vehicles between you and your child/ children to highlight the fun of sharing.

Week 5 Jack & the Beanstalk story & associated activities

Ideas for home: Plant some seeds! Talk about what they need to grow. Encourage children to care for their own seeds.

Week 6 Beatrix Potter & associated activities.

Ideas for home: Talk about Easter. Share stories from Beatrix Potter.

Reminder from Admin Team.

For those eligible, please update your 30 hour codes and for children turning three before 31st March 2022, if you are eligible, you will need to apply now. Spaces from April 2022 are very, very limited. Any queries please contact the accounts team.

Update on fees

From April 2022, in line with rises in the National Minimum wage/ National Living wage and inflation, our fees will be going up. More details to follow once figures are established.

Reminder from Health and Safety Officer

Lunch Boxes. Please cut grapes and cherry tomatoes in half as this reduces choking hazard. Please also avoid nuts and eggs due to allergies of other children. Fizzy drinks and popcorn are not advised for lunchboxes.

Covid Restrictions.

A separate update of our operational procedures for the coming weeks will be sent shortly. Our priority will always be to keep our children, their families and our staff team as safe as we possibly can, and to remain open, while living with Covid within our community.

In summary…

If you have any questions or thoughts about February’s ‘Parentmail’, we will be pleased to hear from you.

Kind regards,

Joanne Rowland


Supporting Nursery Children’s Cultural Capital.

Due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, children’s ‘cultural capital’ has been affected. This is defined as the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for future success. We have safely restarted our Cultural Capital Programme as restrictions have lifted. This will involve a variety of experiences and skill-gathering activities throughout their time at nursery. We will also be offering families ideas they can also enjoy as partnership is key to providing as many opportunities as possible.

Our first projects are underway! We will be encouraging every child to complete a letter which they will then take to the post box, in small groups with staff, to post home. They should arrive on your doormat shortly!

We would like to ask families to play classical music for children E.g., Carnival of the animals by Saint Saens or googling classical music for children on you-tube. Many musical experiences will pop up! We will also be playing classical music at nursery. Please let your keyperson know, or send a dojo or email, if your child has any favourites and also how they feel/ likes/dislikes etc.

We are compiling our own ‘museum’ collection of artefacts and pictures for children to explore. If you would like to visit a museum there are many local to us! The British Schools Museum in Hitchin, The Shuttleworth Collection at Biggleswade, The Roman Sandy at Sandy, Welwyn Roman Baths at Welwyn, Royston Museum at Royston, Stockwood Discovery centre, Luton, John Bunyan Museum at Bedford (this venue may be restricted due to rising cases of the new variant in Bedford). Many venues are beginning to re-open now, with Covid-19 safety measures in place to keep visitors safe.

Also, local art galleries e.g. The International Garden Cities Exhibition at Letchworth and Broadway studio and art gallery, are options to visit. Each term at nursery we explore a famous artist and children complete their own version of those styles e.g., Monet, Kandinsky, Van Gough, Mondrian.

Reading Challenge!! Please continue to record via Dojo each time you read a story with your child. These will be logged at nursery and your child will receive a sticker on their Reading Chart. Each half term the child who has shared the most stories with their family will receive the prize of a new book!

Thankyou in advance of your support for these projects! These are just a few ideas for when families feel comfortable about going out and about, re-exploring our community. If any family has any comments or additions they would like us to include, please let us know via Dojo or email.

Keep safe,

Joanne and the Team

Poppies Monthly News March/April 2022

Term Dates

Term Starts Tuesday 19th April- Term Ends Friday 27th May.

Term re-starts Tuesday 7th June. Term Ends July 15th

(Advance notice: Please note, for funded children, term ends 15th July as this is the date their funding ends. This differs from school funding. We will be open the following week, 18-22nd July, for fee paying families. Those funded children wishing to attend can contact Admin to book fee-paying sessions.)

This months Value: Empathy (for children to share and understand feelings.)

Supporting Nursery Children’s Cultural Capital.

Due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, children’s ‘cultural capital’ has been affected. This is defined as the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for future success. We are building on this in nursery, involving a variety of experiences and skill-gathering activities. We will also be offering families ideas they can also enjoy as partnership is key to providing as many opportunities as possible.

We would like to ask families to play classical music for children E.g., Carnival of the animals by Saint Saens or googling classical music for children on you-tube. Many musical experiences will pop up! We are playing classical music at nursery. Please let your keyperson know, or send a dojo or email, if your child has any favourites.

We are compiling our own ‘museum’ collection of artefacts and pictures for children to explore. If you would like to visit a museum there are many local to us! The British Schools Museum in Hitchin, The Shuttleworth Collection at Biggleswade, The Roman Sandy at Sandy, Welwyn Roman Baths at Welwyn, Royston Museum at Royston, Stockwood Discovery centre, Luton, John Bunyan Museum at Bedford (this venue may be restricted due to rising cases of the new variant in Bedford). Many venues are beginning to re-open now, with Covid-19 safety measures in place to keep visitors safe.

Also, local art galleries e.g. The International Garden Cities Exhibition at Letchworth, and Broadway studio and art gallery, are options to visit. Each term at nursery we will explore a famous artist and children complete their own version of those styles e.g., Monet, Kandinsky, Van Gough, Mondrian.

Thankyou in advance of your support for these projects!

Topic for this Term

We are exploring Spring and Growth this term! This will run alongside our child-initiated planning which is fuelled by children’s current interests and needs.

Week 1 Height charts, Young Architects and building structures; blocks, junk modelling, ice cubes, large scale construction. The artist Mondrian.

Ideas for home: use any 3D materials to build structures. Look at houses/ flats/ buildings and talk about their components e.g. door, windows, roof, stairs. Start a height chart at home using chalk and compare heights of family members…and pets!

Week 2 Free Spring Collage, using wool, paint, and squares of tissue, building on Mondrian from week 1. and Billy’s Beetle. Also, At the hairdressers using playdough and wool to build on scissor skills.

Ideas for home: Go for a walk and look for signs of spring, look for bugs and insects! Talk about what you see, hear, smell and feel. Practice using scissors by cutting the grass, old greetings cards and straws!

Week 3 Spring Trees and changing colour carnations/ celery. Growing sweet potatoes and seeds.

Ideas for home: grow carrot tops, beans in glass jars. Drop water onto a felt pen pattern and watch the colours grow and mix.

Week 4 Sheep and lambs paintings, frog life cycle, frog spawn circle bubble prints, frog life cycle collage.

Ideas for home: look for sheep and lambs in the fields (Lower Wilbury Farm have lots! They are also holding an Open Farm Sunday in June, dates to be confirmed.) Look very carefully under damp plants for frogs. Talk about what sheep and frogs need/ where they live etc.

Week 5 Huff and Puff; revisiting and building on skills and the shapes square and rectangle from Week 1, and In a Spin, building on circles from week four and colour changes from week 3.

Ideas for home: go on a shapes walk, looking for circles and squares/rectangles in the environment. Compare the shape to straight sided shapes. For those able discuss the two and three D shape names.

Week 6 Printing with flowers, twigs, leaves and herbs, hand print flowers, weather pictures.

Ideas for home: use natural materials as paint brushes. Explore lavender, rosemary, thyme, mint etc and discuss which is their favourite smell.

Week 7; Reflecting on skills and ideas learned during the term.

Vocabulary to share with your nursery child this term

This is a new concept, to promote language development and was discussed at a recent training event attended by our Communication Champion, Karen. We will be promoting this language in nursery and by reinforcing these words at home, your child will have optimum opportunities for increasing their vocabulary.

Baby animal names, size language, words associated with frog life cycle, seed planting words, plant life cycle, weather, seasonal changes, spring colours and shape names, both 2D and 3D. For our families who have English as an additional language, it would be lovely if you could send key words relating to these subjects, phonetically spelt so we can pronounce them correctly! Please send to Parentmail before the new term starts. Many thanks!

Reminder from Health and Safety Officer

Lunch Boxes. Please cut grapes and cherry tomatoes in half as this reduces choking hazard. Please also avoid nuts and eggs due to allergies of other children. Fizzy drinks and popcorn are not advised for lunchboxes. As the weather warms up, please ensure you put a cold pack in lunch boxes to keep food fresh.

Advance Notice: Please ensure sun cream is applied prior to coming into nursery. This needs to be a long-acting cream to negate the need for a re-application during the day. There is a website that details the 10 best ‘once a day’ sun cream and another the best 5. As Covid is still in our community, we are reducing any risks of very close contact by asking families to apply their own child’s cream. Please also ensure children have a hat when its sunny and light, thin clothing to protect skin from the heat.

Covid Restrictions.

After Easter, we will be continuing mask wearing indoors to provide staff and children with as much protection as we can.

In summary…

If you have any questions or thoughts about March/April’s ‘Parentmail’, we will be pleased to hear from you.

Kind regards,

Joanne Rowland and The Team

Poppies ‘Snapshot’ News & Diary Dates May 2022

Term Dates

Term Starts Tuesday 19th April- Term Ends Friday 27th May.

Term re-starts Tuesday 7th June. Term Ends July 15th

This months Value: Courage (where children will be supported and inspired to try new skills)

Additional Diary Dates

Jubilee Celebrations Monday 23rd-Friday 27th May

Poppies Sports Day Monday 13th June

Family Consultations Week beginning Monday 20th June

Art Folders, End of Term Updates and Learning Journeys (Leavers only) Week beginning 4th July

Holiday Offer

May Half Term- closed for maintenance. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Summer Holiday provisional offer; Monday 2nd- Friday 19th August. Booking form to follow next week.

Last week of Summer term…

Please note, for funded children, term ends 15th July as this is the date their funding ends with us. Please note, this differs from school funding. We will be open the following week, 18-22nd July, for fee paying families. Those funded children wishing to attend can contact Admin to book fee-paying sessions. Please confirm by Monday 16th May as invoices for the term are generated prior to May Half Term.

Sports Day

We are pleased to be hosting our annual Sports Day again, after two years scuppered by Covid restrictions! Teams will shortly go up on the board outside. Please tick if your child can attend and please can they wear their team colours where possible. This is a fun event (although staff may not agree with that!!) and there is no restriction on guests as we hold this outdoors on St Mary’s school field, so all family members are welcome. Please drop your child off into nursery at 9’oclock. They will then join their team-mates, prior to coming on to the field. Visitors can gather on the field around the boundary fence. To maintain safety, every child will be taken back into Poppies and will need to be collected from the main door by a recognised and authorised adult. We request that no child is taken from the field directly as we need to ensure every child is safely accounted for. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sun Safety

Please ensure sun cream is applied prior to coming into nursery. This needs to be a long-acting cream to negate the need for a re-application during the day. There is a website that details the 10 best ‘once a day’ sun cream and another the best 5. Please check the ingredients as some creams now contain nut oil. As Covid is still in our community, we are reducing any risks of very close contact by asking families to apply their own child’s cream. Please also ensure children have a hat when its sunny and light, thin clothing to protect skin from the heat.

In summary…

If you have any questions or thoughts, we will be pleased to hear from you.

Kind regards,

Joanne Rowland and The Team